Viipuri LAB




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In order to participate in experiments at Viipuri Lab, you must register in our database using the lab`s online recruitment system. Part of this registration process involves acknowledging the following basic rules:

  • You can only register once in the ORSEE database. Please make sure you only create one account with your email address. Registering multiple accounts undermines our scientific research. If the laboratory management of the Viipuri lab notices subjects violated this policy, these subjects will be excluded from participating in all future experiments scheduled at Viipuri lab.
  • Your participation is voluntary. Your decision whether or not to participate will not affect your relationship with LUT University or any other organization.
  • A certain number of registered persons will receive an invitation email to each experiment. The exact number is determined by the researcher conducting that experiment. Only invited participants can take part in that experiment.
  • If you receive an invitation email, you must confirm your participation in order to participate. Spaces in an experimental session are limited, so it is important to respond early to better ensure that a space will still be available. Important Note: Once you confirm your participation, you cannot later withdraw this response from the recruitment system, so please verify that you are actually able to participate to the experiment before you respond. If you wish to cancel your participation, please write an email as soon as you know you're cancelling to It is important that you cancel your participation in time, so that a replacement can be make.
  • Usually, some extra participants are invited for each experimental sessions to ensure that a minimum participation level is achieved. Alternates will receive compensation for arriving for the experiment on time. The exact amount of this payment is determined by the researcher conducting that particular experiment, and will be described in the invitation email.
  • During the experiment, you will be asked to make decisions, but you will retain your anonymity. Indeed, interaction with other participants takes place over a computer network, and your personal identity is not revealed to other participants.
  • If you choose to participate, you will be paid. The payment will consist of a show-up fee in exchange of your participation plus an additional amount of money you will earn during the experiment. The additional amount of money you will earn will depend on the decisions you make, on the decisions other participants make, and on chance. The exact amount of this payment is determined by the researcher conducting that experiment and will be precisely described in detailed instructions you will be provided with at the beginning of the experiment. If you choose to withdraw after listening to the instructions, or if we cannot use you in the experimental session for any reason, you are entitled to the show up payment and are under no further obligation to us. If you decide to stay for the decision-making portion of the experimental session, you are entitled to the show-up payment plus an additional amount of money you have earned during the experiment. Payment will be realized via bank account when the experiment is over.
  • Important: After the scheduled start time of the experiment, anyone who confirmed his/her participation to an invitation but did not show up will not receive any compensation for that experiment. In addition, the experimenter may mark him/her as a "no-show." Multiple "no-shows" will decrease the chance of receiving future invitations to experiments.
  • The use of deception at Viipuri Lab is forbidden. If you have any questions about the research conducted at Viipuri Lab, or if you wish to take away your registration information from our database contact us at

For questions please contact